Welcome to the official site of the Cold Spring Hills Civic Association.
We hope you find the contents informative and helpful. Our goal is to improve neighborhood communication. This website is meant to supplement our wonderful home delivery system, which will remain in place, whereby over 30 resident block captains distribute flyers and newsletters to the 300 plus homes in Cold Spring Hills.
Save the dates for upcoming events are posted for your convenience. Newsletters will be uploaded after they are distributed. And of course interesting historical information about Cold Spring Hills will be included.
We have always encouraged written communication to the Board. Please use the "Contact Us" link to contact the board. Messages are reviewed at our monthly board meetings. If you have an urgent issue please contact a board member directly.
For the protection and privacy of our community, several tabs on this site need a password for access. Please see your newsletter for this information.
The Board of the Cold Spring Hills Civic Association updates and monitors this site. We are so thrilled and look forward to the enhancements this can bring to our community.
Please visit us regularly! We hope you enjoy!
Gayle Snyder, Chairperson
*To report an incident to the Town visit "Town Hotline Numbers"*
**Review the Tree Removal Ordinance in "CSH in the News"**